St. Petersburg hosted the first conference on “Corrosion in the oil and gas industry” in Russia on 22-24 May 2019. It brought together an international community of corrosion scientists and experts, representatives of oil and gas refineries and oilfield service companies, research institutions and equipment manufacturers from Russia, China, the USA, the EU, India, Israel and other countries. One of the leading Russian universities – Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University – held this event jointly with the National Association of Corrosion Engineers and with the support of the European Corrosion Federation.
Specialists from different countries discussed the most acute problems of corrosion in various fields. The event became a platform for new acquaintances and business contacts. Through the exchange of experience and knowledge, as well as discussions at thematic sessions, answers to complex scientific and technical issues were found.
IFOTOP representatives made a presentation on the topic “Innovative anisidine–based corrosion inhibitor for chemicaland technological protection of refineries“. It caused great interest among the conference participants and became an active discussion topic.
We are grateful for the high level of the event organisation and of course for the opportunity to participate in it. We hope this conference will become regular and will gather the best experts from around the world to solve the pressing problems of the oil refining industry.